TOA: Explorer 100+ tiles
A downloadable Pixel art asset pack
V 1.0: Still in development. Follow the first pack devlog get updates on development of each pack.
Tales of adventures
Hey! Welcome back to the Tales of Adventures Tileset! Here you'll be able to purchase the Dungeon&Cave Tilesets for just 7$!
Attention! The price may increase over the time!(Up to 20$)
By downlading the tileset you gain access to:
- Cave & Dungeon tileset (68 unique tiles for walls+ tall walls version)
- Cave doors & windows
- Ground tileset (walls shadows for both wall tilese t + 7 filler variations)
- Ladder/stairaway.
Chest, Rocks, Box (2 colors), 2 cristals shapes (3 colors)
Vines, 1 wall skull. 1 ground skull, 1 Ground bone, 3 Ground rocks
Check this out!
If you want to complete this tileset...
There's the overworld wating for you! (Free)
Planned Updates:
Chest animation.
New rock with destroy animation
Wall explosion
Void tiles
(Suggestion are welcome until in development)
Use these in any commercial project that is not redistributing. Modify them for personal project Modify them for commercial project that is not redistributing.
Redustribute/resell them in any way (see the "Redistribute Rights" reward on the download page if avaiable) Use them in project that let people be able to download them.
Credits are appreciated but not necessary.
Rewards are going to be delivered from 18:00 to 23:00 GMT+1 (everyday).
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